Geiger Counters & Dosimeters

 Geiger Counters & Dosimeters

On this page we have advanced and affordable Geiger Counters, Radiation Monitors and Dosimeters to suit all tastes and budgets. We tick all the right boxes - and all the right boxes are ticking...

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STS 802 Ionising Radiation Simulator, £900 inc. UK p&p

STS 802 Ionising Radiation Simulator, £900 inc. UK p&p

STS 802 Ionising Radiation Simulator, £900 inc. UK ShippingUnless you’re in the nuclear biz you pro..


FNIRSI GC-01, GC-01 PLUS, GC-01 SE & GEIGERDOME , from  £69.00 inc UK p&p

FNIRSI GC-01, GC-01 PLUS, GC-01 SE & GEIGERDOME , from £69.00 inc UK p&p

INCLUDES FREE UK SHIPPINGYes, we know that name is unpronounceable but the GC-01, which we'll ..


HFS-P3 Personal ‘Pen’ Dosimeter

HFS-P3 Personal ‘Pen’ Dosimeter

As we never tire of reminding you, radioactivity is everywhere. Even you, yes you, are mildly radio..


HFS-20 Personal Geiger Tube-based Dosimeter £68.99 inc UK p&p

HFS-20 Personal Geiger Tube-based Dosimeter £68.99 inc UK p&p

HFS-20 Personal Geiger Dosimeter, £65.00 inc. UK Shipping*Introducing the remarkable HFS-20 and it h..


Mini-Rad 1000 RA

Mini-Rad 1000 RA

Mini-Rad 1000 RA Gamma Survey Meter, £895 inc. UK shipping VERY LIMITED STOCKS, LAST FEW!The ‘..


JD-3001 Combination Nuclear & Electromagnetic Dosimeter

JD-3001 Combination Nuclear & Electromagnetic Dosimeter

FREE UK SHIPPING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE YOU PAY!*Who isn't concerned about what's happening to our en..


XR3 Dual Mode Geiger Counter & Electromagnetic Radiation Dosimeter, £107.99 inc UK p&p

XR3 Dual Mode Geiger Counter & Electromagnetic Radiation Dosimeter, £107.99 inc UK p&p

This unusual and highly affordable little instrument is the latest version of the popular BR-9C. It..


Mini Monitor 900 Series Geiger Counters & Ratemeters. Prices start at £465.00 inc UK p&p

Mini Monitor 900 Series Geiger Counters & Ratemeters. Prices start at £465.00 inc UK p&p

Mini Monitor 900 Series Geiger Counters and Ratemeters, designed and  manufactured in the UK by..


Mini Instruments Type 5.10 and 5.40 Geiger Counters . Now with 9-volt Operation! Prices from £350 inc UK p&p

Mini Instruments Type 5.10 and 5.40 Geiger Counters . Now with 9-volt Operation! Prices from £350 inc UK p&p

UK Shipping included; overseas buyers see important note at the bottom of the page**Here's a very ra..


Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)